
Academia-Industry Interface

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Industry Connect at JDBIMS

JDBIMS’ curriculum is designed to actively encourage the role of the industry in the academic development of the student. This helps you stay in touch with the changing nature of the corporate world. The institute is ideally located in the financial capital of the country. Thus, our students are able to constantly interact with senior industry professionals through various platforms.

Mentorship programme

JDBIMS is known for its concentrated efforts towards mentoring students. The B-school engages senior alumnae as well as other industry experts to take you under their wings for focused guidance and counselling. These regular interactions also serve as a networking opportunity and have materialised into job offers many a time.

Visiting/guest faculty

The school also invites industry practitioners to deliver lectures and case discussions in their niches of expertise.

Industrial visits/internships

You will also gain on-the-ground working experience during your industrial visits to organisations, and also see the theories you learn in class being put to practice. The programme also provides for three internships, which not only help you sharpen your career focus but also provide valuable insights into the domain of your choice.

Campus activities

JDBIMS has various clubs like the Finance Club, Marketing Club, HR Club, Operations Club – all of which organise activities and events related to their respective areas. You get the opportunity to conceptualise conferences, seminars, and lectures, and also invite senior professionals for the same. These clubs are also great networking tools and instil excellent lessons in teamwork and leadership.