Why study at JDBIMS:
- Degrees/Diplomas awarded by SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai.
- A team of dedicated faculty and specialists from the world of business and industry are involved in the teaching activities of the programs.
- Good infrastructure support in terms of ICT enabled classroom; Computer labs and Hostels.
- A well stocked Library having subscription to a number of e- resources like Business Source Premier (a business research database having full text for more than 2100 journals); ECONLIT; ProQuest; CINAHL Plus.
- Close interaction with the industry, particularly in the field of curriculum development, teaching, research and evaluation.
- Students undertake Summer Internships/Concurrent placements and Yearlong projects at a corporate facility to apply their learning in practical situations.
- Academic learning is reinforced with industry leaders visiting the campus for guest lectures.
- The Institute strives to develop the Entrepreneurial spirit in its students and Alumnae through its Consultancy and Incubation Cell
JDBIMS is among the few in India who charge the lowest fees for the management education.
JDBIMS is committed to serve all strata of the society and does not discriminate against any member of the society. JDBIMS continuously strives for the upliftment of women especially those belonging to socially and economically backward and underprivileged sections of the society.
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
- Brigham Young