
Creating the leaders of tomorrow

Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JDBIMS)

JDBIMS is the Institute for management studies of SNDT Women’s University. It is a part of the bold initiative taken by the SNDT Women’s University in the field of professional education for women. JDBIMS is named after Smt. Jankidevi Bajaj, a distinguished representative of Indian womanhood who worked for the awakening and emancipation of women. She was a revolutionary social worker in a tradition bound society and is a perfect example of karma yogini.

  • About SNDT Women's Univeristy

JDBIMS was established on August 17, 1997 with the launch of a two year full time Masters’ degree programme in Management studies (MMS), PhD programme in Management studies and very intensive part time one year Post graduate diploma courses. From the academic year 2001-2002, the institute is functioning in its building at the University’s Juhu campus. It is fully equipped with all modern facilities. The institute is headed by the Director and is supported by a team of dedicated faculty. A large number of specialists from the world of business and industry are involved in the teaching and mentoring. JDBIMS offers a blend of traditional Indian culture and value systems with modern management theories and practices to prepare managers for the future.

  • JDBIMS Director Dr. Shanker's Message

JDBIMS has very close interaction with the industry, particularly in the field of curriculum development, teaching, research, testing, evaluation, faculty training and management development. The Institute offers a variety of professional courses at Masters’ level and post graduate Diplomas that are specifically designed to enhance employment opportunities for women.

  • Our Vision

    Be the one stop research centre of excellence dedicated to the advancement, application and facilitation of high standards of research.

  • Our Mission

    JDBIMS Research Centre is committed to encourage, enhance and equip research and consultancy in various areas of management.


JDBIMS pursues its mission by contributing, inculcating and practicing

  • Academic Leadership - by imparting high quality management education to women partnering with other institutions and industry
  • Corporate Leadership - by creating a pipeline of women managers to occupy positions of leadership and responsibility in business and industry both Indian and global
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership - by encouraging the students and alumnae to become entrepreneurs by providing infrastructure and incubation facilities
  • Societal Leadership – by helping increase number of women taking up positions of public service and governance that can influence policy and decision making with workshops, MDP and consulting


  • To create new standards and benchmarks in management education
  • To provide high-quality management education in several areas of specialization
  • To offer programmes in upcoming areas of management to meet the specific needs of the times
  • To train women to become business leaders and entrepreneurs
  • To build JDBIMS as a brand and a management school of choice for any woman seeking quality management education.


The time in JDBIMS should be an enabler, inculcate a winner’s attitude and cultivate good personal and professional traits.

When a student leaves JDBIMS, she should feel confident, competent and determined to meet the challenges that may come in her professional and personal life, no matter what background she comes from when she enters JDBIMS.
