
Events And Activities

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About Student Activities


The annual corporate symposium organized by students of JDBIMS incorporates various specializations that the Institute offers. The presentations are made by invited speakers and address contemporary issues from diverse perspectives and are of high academic value and relevance.

With an aim to foster a professional outlook towards corporate work culture, students are required to give seminars on emerging managerial trends in the third semester. Right from the first semester, students handle projects that develop a skill set which includes team work, financial analysis, research attitude, time management, information gathering, data analysis and processing, work commitment, developing collaborations, leadership and effectiveness.


This is an Inter-B School festival, organized and executed entirely by the students of JDBIMS. It provides:

  • A platform for interaction with students of other business schools
  • An opportunity to sharpen managerial skills and business acumen
  • A view of upcoming talent who will be the leaders of the future corporate world.


Annual Corporate seminar of JDBIMS focused on Human Resource Management.

  • A platform to interact with HR professionals from the industry
  • An opportunity to understand the upcoming HR tends in Business
  • An opportunity to acquire HR skills ,capabilities & learn new HR tools and techniques

The Department makes consistent efforts to improve the quality of the courses it conducts as well as to maintain acceptable standards.

  • In order to develop as well as to assess the individual competence there are regular tests as well as assignments.
  • Group work and collaborative efforts are inculcated by having departmental projects as well as by attaching a group of students to a member of the faculty for discussions, etc.
  • The problem solving capabilities are developed and reinforced by administering aptitude tests, programming assignments and even by organizing various contests.
  • Visits to Computer Centers and Research and Development Organizations with advanced and sophisticated facilities widen the horizon and perspective of students.
  • Experts from Industry, Consultancies and Research Institutes are invited to give lectures on specialized topics.
  • Efforts are made to develop leadership qualities, and other desirable personality traits through extra-curricular activities as well as workshops on personality development, problem solving, etc. Interview techniques and lectures on ‘job expectations’ prepare them to face the challenges of job seeking.
  • Student participation in the running of the department is achieved by having a well functioning Students Council.