
Profile - Dr. Nitin S. Wani

  • Brief profile of our core faculty Dr. Nitin S. Wani

Dr. Nitin S. Wani

Core Faculty at JDBIMS


Qualifications : BE, MBA, Ph. D., FDP (IIM-A)

Experience : 19 years full time teaching

Subjects : Consumer Behavior. Marketing Research, Services Marketing, Business Economics, Production and Operations Management.

Area : Marketing Management

Dr. Nitin S. Wani is currently a full time Associate Professor in the Marketing area at JDBIMS, SNDT WU, Mumbai.

He completed the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in Management from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He has completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Consumer Behavior (Marketing Area) from South Gujarat University. He holds a post graduate degree of MBA from Pune University and a Bachelor’s in Production Engineering. He has a throughout first class academic track record.

Experience and Achievements

He has an academic experience of more than 19 years of full time teaching to post-graduate management students. An academician by choice, he entered the field of management education very early in his career, though he had been selected as a Probationary Officer by State Bank of India.

Adolescents and the young adult’s behavior as consumers are his research interests. He received a research project grant from Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) for his recent study of Indian youth’s social media consumption.

His teaching interests are Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior and Services Marketing. He believes in using technology for enhancing teaching effectiveness and has been using Moodle LMS for blended learning.

He has delivered invited talks in the area of marketing research and advanced data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling.